Rakenteiden Mekaniikka –lehden 50 vuotisjuhlaseminaari 24-25.8.2017
Since 1968, Journal of Structural Mechanics has published peer-reviewed scientific articles on theoretical, computational and experimental mechanics of solids and fluids as well as on the mathematics and applications related to these themes. Volumes 1–49 (1968–2016) have been archived in the old journal web page: http://rmseura.tkk.fi/rmlehti/archive.html.
The journal publishes also literature reviews, short letters containing comments on articles published in the journal and short reports describing a technical method or solution having interest in the fields of the journal. The length of these texts should not exceed six pages.
The journal belongs to the DOAJ data base (Directory of Open Access Journals) and has been be indexed in Scopus since spring 2020.