Heavy vehicle tyre testing in natural environments


  • Miro-Tommi Tuutijärvi University of Oulu
  • Amin Mahmoudzadeh Andwari University of Oulu
  • Ville Pirnes University of Oulu
  • Jonne Untinen University of Oulu


tire testing, tire friction, snow, wet asphalt, heavy vehicles


This study presents developing of a tyre testing trailer for heavy commercial vehicle tyres at the University of Oulu together with introducing the design of the trailer with different design aspects of the trailer systems. Processes regarding running of the tyre measurements with the trailer as well as the data preparation are performed. The first measurement results are conducted on both snow and wet asphalt conditions. Furthermore, current state and further development plans for the measurement trailer are discussed.

Special Issue of the Finnish Mechanics Days 2022



How to Cite

Tuutijärvi, M.-T., Mahmoudzadeh Andwari, A., Pirnes, V., & Untinen, J. (2023). Heavy vehicle tyre testing in natural environments. Journal of Structural Mechanics, 55(4), 116–129. https://doi.org/10.23998/rm.120702