On continuum damage mechanics
spherical voids, Hookean matrix response, effective stress, uniaxial bar model, carbide coarsening, creepAbstrakti
A material containing spherical microvoids with a Hookean matrix response was shown to take the appearance usually applied in continuum damage mechanics. However, the commonly used variable damage D was replaced with the void volume fraction f , which has a clear physical meaning, and the elastic strain tensor \Bold {ε}^e with the damage-elastic strain tensor \Bold {ε}^{de}. The postulate of strain equivalence with the effective stress concept was reformulated and applied to a case where the response of the matrix obeys Hooke’s law. In contrast to many other studies, in the derived relation between the effective stress tensor \Bold {\Tilde{σ}} and the stress tensor \Bold {σ}, the tensor \Bold {\Tilde{σ}} is symmetric. A uniaxial bar model was introduce for clarifying the derived results. Other candidates for damage were demonstrated by studying the effect of carbide coarsening on creep rate.
Copyright (c) 2019 Kari Juhani Santaoja

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