Vaults in snow constructions
snow constructions, arch, vaut, constant stress vaultAbstrakti
The article discusses the principles of arch design as they apply to snow vaults and presents different types such as parabolic, catenary, circular and constant stress. The parabolic momentless arch requires a constant vertical load throughout the span, resulting in a decreasing snow thickness from the crown to the base. In contrast, the catenary arch is formed by an inverted hanging chain, maintaining a uniform snow thickness throughout the structure, governed by a hyperbolic cosine function. The shape of the constant stress standalone arch is determined by the unit weight and the compressive stress, described by a logarithmic cosine function. In comparing snow arches, the article asserts the superiority of the constant stress form over the catenary and parabolic forms, highlighting its ability to span greater distances. Despite its advantages, the constant stress form has not yet found application in the construction of snow vaults. In addition, snow vaults are subject to significant deformation and require regular checks and recalculations throughout their life to ensure structural integrity.
Copyright (c) 2024 Esko Järvenpää, Antti H. Niemi, Matti-Esko Järvenpää

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